Our partners are the core of our business, and we are committed to providing every person who wears the green apron a bridge to a better future. Starbucks provides a best-in-class wage and benefits package in retail to all eligible employees. That includes an average pay of $18.50 an hour, comprehensive medical, dental, and vision coverage, access to shares of stock and savings benefits, and matched retirement contributions. Starbucks and Workers United announced on Feb. 27, 2024, a commitment to a constructive and mutually respectful path forward in the interests of Starbucks partners. The agreement to begin discussions on a foundational framework is designed to achieve ratified collective bargaining agreements for represented partners, the resolution of litigation and a fair process for organizing. In the last year, the company reached a third collective bargaining agreement in Canada with the United Steelworkers, and negotiations are progressing for other represented stores in Canada.
Additional information:
Canada: one.starbuckscanada.ca
Full legal documentation (Starbucks Corporation v. Workers United)
Letter from Starbucks Independent Board Chair: Freedom of Association Assessment
Message from Sara: Our Outreach to Resume Contract Bargaining with Workers United